Weave rugs are made using mainly natural fibres chosen for their beauty and longevity. These rugs are made from wool-cotton, viscose, bamboo silk and jute.

All the rugs are handwoven in India using a technique called flatweave. Flat Weave rugs have been created for generations using skills handed down through artisan families. Handwoven flat-weave rugs are beautiful in their individuality and longevity.


Exposure to sun for extended periods of time may cause fading, items should be rotated regularly to minimise fading colour change and damage.

Regular cleaning, ideally twice a week in the first few months, with a vacuum to remove any dirt before it is embedded.

The rugs are made from natural fibres that can result in shedding/pilling. This is a natural characteristic you can remove any loose fibres with regular vacuuming with a good quality vacuum cleaner with a flat head attachment to avoid agitating the fibres.


Viscose rugs and bamboo silk

Do not spot clean or use liquid cleaners (including water) on viscose rugs. Viscose rugs needs to be dry cleaned using a professional rug cleaner.

Initial spills should be blotted (be sure not to scrub, as this will damage the pile) immediately with a paper towel or colourless cloth. Then arrange a professional rug cleaner for a dry cleaning service as soon as possible.

Wool, cotton and jute rugs

We recommend treating spots and spills immediately with warm water and paper towel. If the stain persists, contact a professional rug cleaner as soon as possible.

Do not scrub rugs as it may cause permanent pile damage.

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